Thursday, December 7, 2017

Heart vs. Hustle

I love this subject and I must share my point of view on this HOT TOPIC.  It is always being questioned, can you have it all when it comes to your work?  I'm a hairstylist at heart so of course you know what my answer is going to be.  Of course you can.  You can have a incredible career doing the very thing you love and SUCCEED.

Here is the interesting thing about the topic, SUCCESS is completely relative.  What one would define as success another would find a absolute NIGHTMARE.  That is the measuring point of truth.  What you consider hard work might just be you hate what your doing. That's when you use the word HARD.  Other words come to mind like DRAINING, or EXHAUSTED.  In my humble opinion this means you are not being FILLED back up by your work.

There can be many causes of this unbalance, so don't be so quick to assume its your job, it might actually just be your clients, or your coworkers.  They just may not be in alignment with your vibe, I believe in this so much.  So before you have written off your career choice take these little thoughts into consideration.

Your co-workers can effect the love you have for your job, especially if they are unhappy.  You know inherently vibes are contagious.  This rule applies in all cases, all the time.  You don't have much control over this and it can for sure take a toll. This issue usually works itself out over time, hopefully.

Here is the main issue, the people your working for do not value your work.  This can be in service or a corporate environment.  I'm going to use service as a example because I'm a Stylist and Coach.  Having clients value what you have to offer is the single most important component to happiness at work.  If I have a client who doesn't value hair,  we instantly are not a match.  Obviously hair is very high on my list, ITS MY CAREER.  The client dreads the whole process and complains about the price the entire time.


The amazing thing is I realized in my career I didn't have to work with those people anymore, I could have clients who loved getting their hair done and know it was worth every penny.  We are in alignment with each other.  This creates happiness at work.  It is what I consider heart centered business because everyone wins.  You leave at the end of the day in balance with what is given and appreciation what is received, on both ends.


When your working with people who are in alignment with you this is all understood and it creates a wonderful career.  I have experienced this level of success in my business so I know this can be done.  If your in service you know immediately when someone VALUES your work and NEEDS what you have to offer.  We also can not talk people into this, your either aligned or your not.  Trust your gut. Your instincts have all your answers, in all areas of your life.

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Maybe Your Bored AF

The single most valuable investment I have made in my life has been for my health and fitness journey.  In this post I'm going to share with you why the thousands of dollars I have spent has been worth every penny.  January is approaching and everyone is thinking about their yearly investment for their health and fitness.  Im going to break down some of the costs of my journey and share with you how I have invested in my journey and how it has paid off 10 fold.

Trust me when I say I have spent thousands, and it has grown me into the women I came here to be. You can't put a price on that.  I remember when I was struggling to stay invested in my health and fitness journey, I kept starting and quitting.  I knew I had to change my approach because nothing was sticking.  I had to quit being a cheap ass. 100. LOL.  Honestly being cheap is boring AF.

I had to up the stakes so I would stay in the game. I knew my personality and honestly I was bored.  So I decided to start playing bigger.  I wanted to invest more so I wouldn't back out so easy. So I wouldn't get bored.  Lets face it, when we have some coin down we get shit done.

I decided to look into actually teaching the class, instead of just attending them.  I looked into the costs and the trainings are expensive.  I was scared as hell, because if I went to the trainings I knew I would follow through. I knew if INVESTED I would do it.  I'm not going to sugar coat and say I wasn't freaked out, but these tactics changed my life.  Not only did they change my life, they gave me back my drive.  These challenges light my fire.  They fuel my personality.

Have you ever self reflected and just realized your bored AF.  I'm so passionate about lining up your personality.  Up your stakes.  Get your DRIVE back.  Do something scary.  INVEST IN YOURSELF. I went on to get certified in 3 different programs and I was about to work on my fourth right before we moved. They were expensive trainings that all included monthly fees.  Lets just say, it kept me in the game.


To keep me from being stagnant.  Like I mentioned before I get bored if I'm not challenged.  I think a lot of people are like this.  Honestly most people are bored out of their minds. Find something that scares you and invest and I promise your drive will return.

Coaching came into my life this last year as well and its been a investment as well.  It keeps me growing and once again it ups my stakes in myself.  It keeps my fire lit.  It has me doing more new things.  Meeting new people and keeping me out of my comfort zone.  All of this DRIVES me and keeps me pursuing a higher version of myself.  Trust me I'm not looking for perfection, I'm type B AF.  I love the chase and I love the game.  That's all it is.  It gives me a fire that 90 percent of the population is searching for.

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Making a HEART based DECISION

We all go through different seasons in our lives.  Some seasons call for changes, and some times we just coast on a wave.  I know when I have debated a change in my career or a relationship, I have had to really soul search.  I wanted to share a couple tricks I have learned along the way to help me decide if Im in my head or my heart.

I got the best advise right before I was getting ready to start my own business as a stylist, I was of course very nervous about my new venture and was looking for a higher perspective.  I was so nervous about investing in myself and my future and I was really looking for some words of wisdom to keep me from backing out and keep me moving forward.

Of course I went to the holy grail of information YouTube University and went through several videos on how you know for sure you should start your own business.  I came across a video that described a excersize to help decide if it was a INTUITIVE choice...

Take your new venture and think about the possibilities, how do you feel? 

Take your current situation that your considering shifting away from, how do you feel?

She went on to share that based on your feelings you can come up with a intuitive decision.  If you feel RESTRICTION that means its not the best choice for you.  If you feel EXPANSION it's whats on your heart.

It's a fine line not to confuse being anxious or scared to make a big choice with it not being your next big move.  Change is not for the faint hearted no matter how pumped you are for your new horizons.  I make the choice based on if I want to stay the same.  I gravitate towards no.  I want to learn and grow and expand my life and my skills.

When I started the salon, I went through so many emotions. There were days I was so excited and there were days that I was so scared.  Honestly it was all meant to be, every choice I made was from the heart.  It was to EXPAND my life and my horizons, and guess what?  It all worked out, and then some.

I know it can be scary to make a heart based decision, but it is life altering.  Its really is the highest form of putting yourself on the top of the list. When we run our businesses from that place, we can GIVE from the most beautiful space.

Next week I will be sharing my heart based decision on my transition over to the Coaching Industry.  I will be sharing some intimate details of how I made the choice, and what signs came up for me.  If you ever have questions about the Coaching Industry please don't hesitate to ask me, its a passion for me to share.  Have a intuitive week babes...

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Creating Space For Yourself On Social Media

This last year has been such a whirl wind.  For many of you following my story know me and my family went through a huge move this summer. I was running my own business in my salon suite and learning the next steps for my online coaching career. I had also just gave birth to my second baby. Lets just say lots going on.

I knew Coaching came into my life for a purpose I just didn't know how big of a role that it was going to play in my future. I had lots of doubts about the industry which most people do. So I took several weeks to really research the Industry and see if it was worth my most precious asset, my time.

I had several life conflicts when I was in the salon, most of the inner conflicts I was having involved growing my business further and at what expense it would cost my family.  My husbands career is very demanding, so my job has to be flexible, and hairstylists hours are not your traditional 9-5.

Me and Troy also knew we wanted more children so time was a big issue. These problems can all be solved by being creative which we always made things work. The point is I had problems I needed solved. Being out of TIME, wanting to be home with my children, and still having a INTENSE desire to be in BUSINESS.

I am incredibly entrepreneurial and building Brandi Inc. has been on my mind since I was a little girl. Its in my blood.  When I seen the opportunity in the online space I spent more time researching if their was a need in the market for my vision.  There are other women just like me who see this, and I want to work with them.

I had to do lots of soul searching the first year I was creating and crafting what I had to offer as a coach, and Im not your average coach. I absolutly aligned myself with products that helped in my physical transformation but that is a small piece of the puzzle and I hope to align myself with other big picture thinkers.

Being a big picture thinker is a gift that I nurture in myself, I know it is rare and I work hard to protect it.  I hold strong beliefs in myself and the people I work closely with, and I expect the same from them. There is no room for people in your life who plant seeds of doubt,  you have to have a strong connection to who you are and what you have to offer as a person.

Coaching is a incredible industry and its my mission to share that with women who are like me.  They have some holes in their life that this opportunity could fill. Its not for everyone, you must have a strong vision and a deep belief in yourself.  This has potential to open doors that you have seen for yourself but you didn't know how exactly to get there.

I run monthly Coaching workshops to help people get started in sharing their story.  You can find more information about my monthly groups on my business page on Facebook and/or send me a message for a application to see if this is for you.

Monday, June 26, 2017

10 things only a Mother of Boys can Understand

1. The boys section of clothing is tiny and look over at the girls section annoyed and envying the cute selection.

2. Rough housing is a solid form of affection.

3. Fences, trees, and hiking trails are all considered adventurous places to use the restroom.

4. You must speak in scary tones to get your point across and they still ask if your joking.

5. You must go scrub every restroom in the house before guests arrive.

6. Aggression is a love language.

7. They are starving every hour on the hour. Legit starving.

8. Daycare calls...he was being to physical.

9. His Father is his hero.

10. Boys are obsessed with their Mothers. Moms are the apple of their eye. 

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

This spring my husband Troy Sharp came to me and said that he may be up for a position that will bring us closer to Nebraska.
When me and Troy Sharp first Moved to St. Joe we would make weekend trips back to Omaha. He would measure how close we could get to Omaha and him still be able to work for KCP&L. 10 years later he got that job!!!!!!
Part of his career brought us to Platte City and of course my career blossomed here. We have had a incredible life chapter in Platte City.
I hit major career milestones and bloomed as a lady of business. I moved into my salon suite 2 years ago June 14th. It's been such a beautiful experience! I have been so blessed by my business! I have grown so much professionally!!!!
These last 2 years I have grown so much in my suite! My clients and I have cherished this little #glameroom! I closed the doors to my suite last weekend.
Hairstylist have super powers! The beautiful thing about our industry is your always in demand!!!
I knew with everything I have learned my success is not based on geography!!! Everything that is put on my path is for a greater purpose!!! 
Every time we have moved our lives have improved! We have always been willing to change and grow as a family!
Of course we encounter growing pains...starting over again comes with lots of stress! This journey is not for the faint hearted.😉
Me and my family are still in the beginning stages of transition and could use some Irish Blessings sent our way for our next chapter! 
Thank you again to my wonderful clients for making my suite experience so memorable!!!! This little room was a little slice of heaven!! 

Mom of Boys

I was at the pool today with my crew laughing with another mom about being a boy Mom!!!
She heard me getting after my 6 year old for jumping in a area he couldn't touch after I repeatedly told him the boundaries!!!🙃
When I left I said to get it...your a Mom to boys!!!😉
I speak very firm to my 6 year old because he is always testing my limits!!!! Always!!!! ðŸ™ƒI can handle this crew!!! I always joke with my girlfriends...I was made to be a boy Mom because I can take all that comes with it!!!

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Why do you want to exercise? What are your reasons?

I love my workouts! I know not everyone feels that way about exercise but they give me life!!!

My workouts clear all negative emotions while I'm working out! I get so happy! I have such positive thoughts when I exercise.

It wasn't always this way....

I used to beat myself up the point where everything I attempted turned into a mental battle.

Your not fast enough...

Why even bother it doesn't work any way...

I'm not skinny enough for this workout...

People are watching me...

People think I give up during exercise...

Can you relate to any of these feelings?

I used to deal with this also! Iv been there! I can relate to this!

I can tell you when I shifted my reasons for exercise everything changed...and fast!

100 pound change...that lead to my passion!!!!

Just reflecting on this Sunday night how our Struggles have the power to be our greatest victories!!!!

Happy Sunday Babes!!!


Friday, May 5, 2017

If I could advise you on one thing, its to start making your own food.

One of the most overlooked activities of a healthy lifestyle is making your own food. I'm so passionate about this subject! We can have delicious and fresh food that tastes fabulous! When you create your own food with  real naturally become healthy!!!!


When you eat feel well!! I'm going to enjoy this fabulous holiday with homemade salsa and delicious red wine!!! Happy Friday Babes!!

2-3 medium sized fresh tomatoes
1/2 red onion.
2 serrano chiles or 1 jalapeño chile or skip these
Juice of one lime.
1/2 cup chopped cilantro.
Salt and pepper to taste.
Do you make your own salsa????

Friday, April 28, 2017

Big Personality Hiding Behind Weight

Sharing a deeper look into some of my story today!
I was only very over weight for a 2 year period...I didn't always struggle to that degree!
Of course I had body image issues but I was at my peak weight for a year.
With this experience I was able to identify what the root of my weight issue was!!!!
I have a very BIG personality!!!! I'm loud, sassy and love a good time!!!! Some where along the lines I believed these where negative traits.
I loved all things FLASHY AND FABULOUS!!! Some where along those lines I CHOOSE to believe those where negative traits!!!
I'm naturally a very confident person...I naturally enjoy to express myself and share!!! ITS MY PERSONALITY!!!!!! #bornwithit
Regardless of my size!! #useditasaexuse
But I started to believe that hiding was easier!!! It made people feel came with less judgment!!!!
Thats Still a Excuse...

I kept getting into systems and situations that stifled my soul and my power!!!! Anyone that knows me knows I'm a Irish Sass!!!! It's who I am!!!!!! #loveyourself
My fitness journey brought me back to me!!! I can easily be me!!!! I DO NOT COVER WHO I AM!!!! My personality is a GIFT!!!!! 
I rock it everyday!!!!
I challenge you to take a look you hide some of your personality traits? 
If someone tries to stifle me...I run ðŸ˜‚
So should you....😉
Happy Tuesday Babes

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Happy Easter from my Fabulous little Crew to Yours!!!
The Easter Bunny Came while we were at church!!!
We came up to the house and little eggs were everywhere!!
Tatum Bird this Easter Bunny is very special!!!
Left some Flowers for Mom!!!!
Our Easter Bunny is Also Known As....GRANDMA LYNN
Always taking the time for me and my crew!!!
Sending Sunday Blessings to All!!! Enjoy your crew today!!

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

•Double Life, Try Triple Life•

•Double Life, Try Triple Life•

#momlife #glamlife #fitlife

For years I thought I had to choose. I don't. My life, my design.

Juggling all three is difficult and I fail a million times a day! But I love all three!

My passions are my purposes!


Sunday, April 9, 2017

Finding me time is essential to my sanity

Sundays are for recharge!!

I always get a good workout in Sunday Mornings!  Fridays and Saturdays are the busiest days at the salon so Sundays mornings are vital for my workouts! They clear my head and I can get my energy cleared for the week ahead!

I struggle on these days to find time to fit everything in.  Time to clean, feed the kids, and spend time with my husband!  My husbands days off are on Friday and Saturdays and he watches the kids while I work at the Salon.  He also coaches soccer on Saturdays so we have SUCH A FULL PLATE!!!

With all of this going on it is vital for me to have my workouts, they are a non-negotiable me time! They restore my spirit for the week! I hope you babes find some me time today!

Take care of her and she will take you anywhere you wanna go!

Lets Rock this upcoming week!!

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Follow My Journey

Welcome to the place where I share my heart and my passions!  I share my story of personal transformation on the Meet Brandi section of this blog.  This last year I have shared my journey on my personal Facebook page and it was time to make the transition.  I will be sharing a deeper look into my journey here on my blog and my Facebook Like page.  There is a link here in this blog! Check out my social media section and Click Like!


Saturday, April 1, 2017

Social Media Monsters

I have been having a social media break down the last couple weeks.  Before I decided to start Coaching I wasn't into the social media frenzy.  It was a business decision to get it together.  I needed to get with the times.  I can't tell you the intensity of the learning curve I have been on this year.  It has been exhausting.  But like I said, I needed to get with the times, or I was going to be left behind. Period.

I was on a Coach Call with my team mate Jessie and I started to cry, because I still have so much to learn.  Im so eager to just know it all today!!! LOL!!!  But I don't know it all!!! Just one step at a time.  Learning and growing, stretching myself.  Constantly stretching my comfort zone.

These past couple weeks I have questioned everything I have done.  I have had thoughts of just going in my living room and watching T.V. and not thinking about all of this. LOL!!! Im in so deep!!! Its to late to turn back.  The deal has been made.

I had to make changes with my social media.  It was time to leave my Friend Page.  Once again it was a business decision.  Once again out of my comfort zone!

Thank you for following my journey!


Sunday, March 19, 2017

Exploring Being Competetive

Im always exploring if being competetive is a positive or negative emotion.  Does it drive us or cripple us? I wrestle with this emotion and sometimes I try to fight it off.  On the other hand I find myself getting stuff done when Im in a competitive space.  I really try to stay very true to myself and my goals but I will admit that I have had urges to press on the gas!!!

Are you a person who works well under pressure or do you have a tendency to pull back when you feel the heat?  I do both!!! I struggle with being competitive...I always have.  I guess I have always figured it was a negative trait, but when I really thought about it the emotion has serious moving power!!!  It helps you get shit done.  Now that I'm older I don't take loses so personally...when I was younger the loses would effect my self esteem.

When you miss your goals, its just a reevaluation point. Its how we learn and grow.  It doesn't mean we quit and get comfy! Thats why being competitive is just a push for your best self as long as its paired with you staying in your own lane working on YOUR goals!!!!

Are you working on things that are on your heart?  Keep a eye on my Blog I will touch on this subject with more in depth questions!!!  

Surround yourself with the DREAMERS and the DOERS

Have you ever took a really good look at your circle?  Do you feel guilt just thinking about this question?  Lets dive into what this really means!!!  You hear the quote all the are the average of the 5 people you surround yourself with!!!  How does that make you feel??

What if you have a very different vision or goal than these other people? It means your vision and your goals are in danger.  Others will project their beliefs all over your plans and your goals.  Its not just happening in your circle...this is human nature.  You will either default into your surroundings or you will rise,  depending on the average of the group.

You know if your defaulting or rising.  The question is what are you going to do about it!?  As we age it becomes more difficult to fight off limiting beliefs.  We have to dive into personal development to break our limits.

These limits could include body image, money limits, and relationship beliefs.  The list could go on and on!  When you start reading your sharing time with someone who is more successful than you and the book is opening your mind and showing you your limits.

Are you talking about dreams or limits...what kind of conversation are you bringing to the table?  What energy are you bringing to your five Friends???

Friday, March 17, 2017

Its been a Crazy Year

Welcome! I have to tell you it has been a absolutely crazy year! Last year at this time I had just given birth to my baby boy Tristan Bear!  I had been considering during my last trimester of pregnancy sharing my fitness journey as a Beachbody Coach.  The biggest thing that held me back was sharing my workouts and taking selfies!

I had always been annoyed in the past when people posted about their workouts! I was like REEEEAAALLLYYY !!!! So lets just say...I was apprehensive!!!!  But I knew I had something to share!!! I had went through a huge transformation 5 years earlier that had changed me from the inside out.  It was on my heart and it was time to share. I wasn't going to let some Hater mentality stop me!!!! LOL!!! Trust me I was a hater before!!! LOL!!!

I think of this whole process like hair school! We always have to start with our friends and family!!! If you make it through your friends and family, you can DO ANYTHING!!!!!!! Its like a test...lets just say I passed!!! LOL!!!! You always have to be willing to play minor leagues then move to the big leagues.  Its the universe saying...ok you love this!!

So Im moving over here to my blog to really share MY filtering!!! If you come on this page you will get my unfiltered truth!!!! Hopefully you can find some golden nuggets in all this #glam that will move you along your path!!!!

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Over Planning will Kill your MAGIC

Had the best weekend with my crew. We get spoiled when the weather is in the 70's.  Lots of fun and excited things I'm working on preparing for this spring!!! I'v always got something brewing.  I get that from my Mom!!!

When I was 28 I made a decision to always try my very best to go with the flow. If things change they are supposed to!  Learn to go with the flow a little more.  Change your filter...this is happening for you...not to you!!!    

If you get inspired JUMP!  There are no don't over plan or over push! Be open to opportunities and new situations!!!! 

Have the best week!!!!